
This One Is Too Nervous To Watch. Pfizer

This is a short blog full of twists. Try to get through it. First a five day chart of Pfizer. chart. In the past week it was up $1.05 and it was the 7th most activity traded stock on the NYSE most active list. It's in a breakout mode. Look at how it traded over the last three years. This breakout mode might last a few days, weeks or months. This stock has a history of moving somewhat slower than most stocks. A second quarter earnings report comes out July 30th. If it's good that could add a touch to the stock's price. Now this. As a general rule stocks and options on stocks in this particular price range are difficult to play and in this case everyone is following the same story. Fred down the street and John around the corner and Mark across town are all dialed into the same commentary. There is nothing that really gives you an edge when it comes to playing it. That's the problem. Here now is a look at the Pfizer "next-week-out" $30.00 series of Call optio

A Monday Morning Let's Start Off The Week Blog. Boeing

Boeing had a rough week last week. It was down $13.59. What a precipitous slide. Now here is a 11:00 A.M. look at one series of Call options that expire this week. These are not the brightest of options to be considering. Hoping for a Monday morning bounce could be only wishful thinking.
Now here is it's morning trading chart and it's five day chart. Look at how the stock went down all last week.
Tuesday was a touch better. Look at the 30 day chart. Could this be the start of a rebound? Probably not. The chart looks ugly.
Now the one day chart and how the markets closed. This chart is now starting to look like the Boeing we know.
A tough start to the week and Wednedays are often days of reversals. Not this time.
Thursday. It offered a chance to get out in the morning and after that the nervousness of holding onto a postion going into a Friday morning spooked option traders. The stock only end up $.03 cents on the day.
This chart better illustrates the hour-to-hour trading volumes and prices.These Calls opened down and quickly shot back up again.
Friday saw the markets sell off.
Here is what Boeing did on the day.
The Boeing Calls only offered one chance to get out.
It wasn't much fun to be playing Boeing Calls. Here is how it's five day chart ended up looking.
It was another tough week in the markets. Closing points. Wednesdays can offer reversals and Thursday afternoons can be a trap.


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