
Showing posts from January, 2023


This One Is Too Nervous To Watch. Pfizer

This is a short blog full of twists. Try to get through it. First a five day chart of Pfizer. chart. In the past week it was up $1.05 and it was the 7th most activity traded stock on the NYSE most active list. It's in a breakout mode. Look at how it traded over the last three years. This breakout mode might last a few days, weeks or months. This stock has a history of moving somewhat slower than most stocks. A second quarter earnings report comes out July 30th. If it's good that could add a touch to the stock's price. Now this. As a general rule stocks and options on stocks in this particular price range are difficult to play and in this case everyone is following the same story. Fred down the street and John around the corner and Mark across town are all dialed into the same commentary. There is nothing that really gives you an edge when it comes to playing it. That's the problem. Here now is a look at the Pfizer "next-week-out" $30.00 series of Call optio

Mullens Again - Dangerous Unknows

I am coming off a $100.00 gain on Mullins an electric vehicle company I recently talked about. It's a hot potato. Some might say $100.00 is just a piddle. Here me out. Here is the trade I did, this time in stock, not options. "In and Out" in one day and out at 6:01 a.m. Why was I up so early? I was in a tent in the dark during a rainstorm camping on the other side of the world when everyone in that campsite was sleeping. I caught a small bounce. Getting out in the premarkets got me out near the top of the day, higher than what the stock traded for on the 9:30 a.m. opening bounce. One of the things I noticed about playing this stock is that they show you premarket bids and asks. That can be a bonus. Premarket trading can sometimes be your best friend. My sell ticket was "at market" and on the purchase I specified the purchase price. "At market" is not scary with stocks trading this kind of volume. .... .................................................

Ffie - Electric Vehicles And an August 16 th and August 28th 2023 update.

See my December 12th blog about this stock. Here is today's action. Look at the volume. 140 million shares traded. That kind of volume is going to show up on multiple tracking systems. A March 7th update. It's now almost half price. Last week it was the tenth most actively traded stock on the Nasdaq by share volume. It's often on this list.Then again it was the second lowest priced stock on this list of twenty companies. Read the news on it. Most of the electric car companies are now burning up cash except Telsa. It's not a fun business to be in during the start up phase.******** Now an August 2023 update. It's still going, not much has changed. They did sell one car. They made a video of the sale. One sale will not pay the bills so now they added a new twist to things. Read their new job title. AI stuff. Stop.Stop. Stop. These are all junk stocks. Look at the volume, a lot of people seem to like to trade them. Trading volumes are always crazy high.That's on

Visa - A Stock to Add To Your Radar Screen On A Friday Morning.

A credit crunch is happening and Visa should be enthralled in this action. Yet what does that mean for the stock on a day to basis? Not much. Watch last Fridays trading pattern which in many ways was similiar to how Boeing traded last Thursday. That was the subject matter of my last blog. First at look at last weeks five day chart and it's Friday's one day chart. Like my last blog, this is another example of a "purchase on a dip" scenario. Presented now are three different series of Call options all of which expired last Friday. Would you have the guts to be buying Call options on Visa on the dip it had last Friday morning? These were Call options expiring that afternoon. Now look at this. Look at how Visa traded on the following Monday when the DJI charged up. Look at the action on the 222.50 series of Calls. What does this suggest? To me it suggests that there is some trickery to how stocks can be manipulated on Fridays. The trick is in learning how to get onboa

Thursday Morning Option Trading - Boeing. Why this Week it Was A Compelling Story.

Is Thursday morning a good time to be looking for reversals? Sometimes. Especially when a stock has a recent history of jumping upwards on a Friday morning. This morning, Boeing sold off thirty minutes after the opening bell in sympathy with the DJI selling off 190 points. Yet it was only off a touch while other stocks got hit harder. If the DJI was to ever do a reversal would this be a good time to get in? That was the question early into the trading sesssion and a 190 point drop on the DJI shows less nervousness than lets say a 300 or 400 point morning drop. Watch this. Now Boeing. Are you able to see it's early morning weakness? Can you see how Boeing went on to top out somewhere around 1:30 p.m.? Here is the smallest of all trades. In at 9:48 a.m. at $52.00 dollars each on two contracts (the 210 Calls) and out at 1:39 p.m. at $145.00. I opted to get out just after the stock crossed over it's previous day's closing. Three points to consider. 1) Read my recent Boein

Three Years of Falling Prices and One Month of Rebounding. LightningEMotors and Lion Electric

One hundred and twenty eight vehicles built in the fourth quarter. Now it's thirty day chart. This story also has a Canadian connection. You decide if you like it. Now Lion Electric. I spoke in the past about a new issue of stock to help raise more money which pulled it's stock price down. Here again is that news. Now for some good news. Oh yes, here is the three year chart. You decide. Are good times ahead for both of these companies? A March 18th 2023 update.

What Makes "Nio" An Unusual Stock To Play Options On and Options on Ford With Only A Few Days To Go. It Is Not Always Smooth Sailing Like This.

No one is giving away free money and option trading is at the best of times a difficult game to play. Nio, on volume of shares traded is often in the top five or ten list of number of shares traded in one day on the D.J.I.. I have written about trading options on Nio many times. First todays chart. It was up 4.46% on the day. In at 11:00 a.m. and out later in the day. Easy right? Well not so fast. Look at this. This was news back on Dec. 27th. If you're trying to play options on stocks like this in the ten and eleven dollar price range with only a few days to go news like this can knock you off you're horse. Now here is how the 11.5 Calls traded on the day. The high figure of .38 was at the start of the day.The low number of .12 was at around 11:00 a.m. with a rebound of a double in the afternoon. (Playing the 11.50 Puts in the morning would have acheived similiar results). Now let's switch gears and look at Ford Calls and their one day's action. Ford is stock which