
Trying to Outguess The Markets

A few years back the markets crashed when Russia invaded Ukraine. The front pages of newspapers around the world at that time showed people trying to escape cities which were heavily shelled. Our heart's sank. How could such atrocities be happening? Why were schools and hospitals targeted? War is evil. Guess what? With Trump acting as a new dictator the world once again has gone awry. It's scary that one old man with so much power can abuse the system. What does all of this mean for option traders? It means time to sit on the sidelines. Yes you can jump in playing rebounds and catch some nice short term directional moves. You are basically trading against computers. Why not just sit it out and chill? Everything is amuck. Why be trying to make hero trades? Ironically enough some traders are being drawn into this action. Look at this chart. While its difficult to see because of a "pop-up" on the screen "Netflix rebounded over ten dollars a share after reboundin...

Deere - Earnings Are Coming Out.

Deere's earning report come out Thursday Feb 15th which means tomorrow's trading (which is Wednesday February 14th) will be the last day of trading before the release of their earnings. The DJI dropped 525 points today Tuesday Feb. 13th. That hasn't happened very often in the recent past. Here is how Deere traded on that day. Anyone thinking of buying Deere Calls prior to it's quarterly earnings report where handed a great opportunity to get it. It was if you opted to get in during the day of this big fall and out the very next day (which was the day prior to it's earning report being released). The stock regained about half of it's one day loss. Yet that really isn't what I am trying to focus on.
Is Deere now skating on thin ice? Let's now back up three months to check out the mood during it's last quarterly report.
Here is how the stock traded on the day that quarterly earnings report was published.
On a different note three months ago Caterpillar offered guidance going forward. It was good. Here it is. Guidance like this helps tips the scale in favor of purchasing Calls.
Now let's look at how Deere has performed over the last year.
It has done nothing. So the bottom line really is that with all of the overhanging doom and gloom it's best just to stay away from trying to play Thursday's earning report which is being reported before the opening bell. The stock now on Wednesday's closing was at $378 which is higher than it was three months ago when this guidance was offered. As stated, "The company is predicting sales declines". Why take a chance on trying to play the upside? In situations where the odds are somewhat unknown its best just to stay clear of the action. If it does pop after their earnings come out and you missed it, that's just the way it is. If it does drop on the release of their earning report an entire new game begins. It is the game of playing it for a rebound. A few blogs back I talked about a rebound on McDonalds after it's disappointing earnings report was released. A rebound happened quickly and I pointed out a subsequent "one-day" very clean and profitable rebounding trade. It is afterall McDonalds and people are always going to want to eat there. Rebounds on heavy equipment manufactureres after poor earning reports are a different story and rebounds, if any might take a longer to happen. Let's keep on following this action. At Thursday 12:20 p.m. update after the earnings report was released that morning just prior to the opening bell. .
Can you see how the stock is now in "no-mans-land" meaning playing it makes no real sense? That's really not a space option traders want to be in. Yet then again when your thinking's start to like this chart formation it could be the best of times to make a counterintuitive decision. Now here is how it closed the day.
Now to comment on playing the upside. Here are the 365 and 370 Calls which expire a week Friday. Is the shakeout over? Look at this. Look at the closing "open interest" numbers.
Nobody it seems wants to be holding them. It's a massive gamble! Could a second dip happen tomorrow which is a Friday? One way to find out would perhaps be to look at the 365 Puts that once again, expire a week Friday. Here they are.
That really doesn't work as a guide. The volume is too light to make any meaningful assumptions. Now one more look at a very special situation. The Deere Calls which expire tomorrow, the day after this $20.00 one day drop. Will they show any signs of a rebound? The street doesn't seem think so. Is the street going to be right? Look at the open interest in these "near-to-the-money" Calls. Nobody is playing them.
There is actually more interest in playing the Puts further down.
Now to add some more color to this blog. Look at how Deere reacted to an earnings report last May 20th. Up and down. It's easy to get burnt playing Deere earning reports. Stay away or study them more with reverance. It's your call!
Now for a final Friday 11:38 a.m. update.
The Puts win again big time. If stuff like this you have to know to be successful in option trading. ** When bad news piles up it really piles up.


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