
This One Is Too Nervous To Watch. Pfizer

This is a short blog full of twists. Try to get through it. First a five day chart of Pfizer. chart. In the past week it was up $1.05 and it was the 7th most activity traded stock on the NYSE most active list. It's in a breakout mode. Look at how it traded over the last three years. This breakout mode might last a few days, weeks or months. This stock has a history of moving somewhat slower than most stocks. A second quarter earnings report comes out July 30th. If it's good that could add a touch to the stock's price. Now this. As a general rule stocks and options on stocks in this particular price range are difficult to play and in this case everyone is following the same story. Fred down the street and John around the corner and Mark across town are all dialed into the same commentary. There is nothing that really gives you an edge when it comes to playing it. That's the problem. Here now is a look at the Pfizer "next-week-out" $30.00 series of Call optio

Boeing on a Monday Morning

Last Friday saw a 500 point drop in the DJI. Could you play a Monday morning rebound? I did. I bought in at noon on a friday and on a day where the markets were crashing. Why did I buy in? Sometimes Boeing is first out of the gate on a Monday morning.
Now the sale on Monday morning.
I was out at 9:55 a.m. Why did I get out? When you turn your computer in the morning and see a Call option you own up four or five dollars you know you have to do something quickly. With Puts not so much. Smart investors just get out. As quickly as it goes up it can also come down. Get out without even researching why it is up. Learn to be happy to catching a blip. That's the way I think. Last week the only real news I saw on Boeing was that they have enough orders on the books to keep everything running. That means money coming in as fast as they can make them. Getting out of the Call option was a little bit of a hassle as it was just starting to sell off. I am always afraid to sell "At Market" to avoid bad fills. Decisions have to made quickly about your offering prices. The value of one $500 Call or Put can fluctuate by $100.00 in as little as one minute. I got out, as the ticket shows at 9:55 a.m. I got as it was first starting to tank. Look at the one day chart Boeing chart below and see my exit timing.
To be continued. Now Boeing on a Tuesday starting with a one day chart and the trade I did. I am not a big fan of Tuesday option trading, Wednesday option trading is more interesting in the afternoon when stocks decide which way they want to go for the week. Here is the Boeing chart for Tuesday.
If you look at the timing you will see that I only caught half the uptick but the action on the day ended up trending lower. Now here is it's five day chart.
** Caterpillar's one day chart looked much the same.
Remember in a recent blog I talked about Wednesday afternoons as being a safe time for short term directional moves. Here is an "in-and-out" trade. Compare the buy in time and sell out time to the chart provided. It wasn't much of a trade but I felt safe making it and was out before the close. Remember, this is the third day in a row of catching a directional move on Boeing. I don't like playing Boeing options on a Thursday.
This was a two hour and thirty-nine minute trade and my timing was off a bit. I got out. I don't like holding onto short term overnight options on a Wednesday going into Thursday. * Remember my comment near the start of this blog when I said if you see something move big in your favor just get out and ask questions later? Here is this morning's chart on Moderna.
Getting out at the top is the name of the game.


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