
Tesla - One Day Options. Not Your Typical Read

This blog is going to be a tough read because it tries to track Tesla's early morning option trading in the last day of trading in the October 18th 220 series of Tesla Calls. Critics of "one day" options are having a hayday in pointing out these "one-day-to expiring" options are a mockery to concept of sound financial investing. Here is Tesla's premarket trading price in the 220 series of Calls at 9:29 a.m. on Friday Oct. 18th. They are flat. Remember last Friday was an exceptional day for the Tesla stock with it being hit with a $21.14 drop on the day. Do today's traders remember this? Probably not. Why should they? It's a given this stock can be volatile. Option traders playing the downside last Friday on Telsa made out like bandits. Now it's 9:31 a.m.reading. Up only eleven cents. Option traders are in a period of time where they have to deal with early morning trading jitters. Is there a glimmer of hope that this stock might bounce up one

Boeing 1st Quarter 2022 Earnings Report

The markets are rough in recent days. Boeing just had earning reports come out. Here is what happened in the first hour of trading. It doesn't matter what the numbers are. What matters is how the company addresses the issues.
How does a company lick it's wounds after news like this. Well they artfully plants forward looking statements.
Seven little very polished points which help to wash away the past and make us look forward. Well done. That's why their C.E.O.s get paid big bucks. Here is a look at one series of Boeing Call options two weeks out. The 155 series of Calls which expire on May 13th 2022. Is two weeks enough time to wash this bad news away? That's the bet.
Notice this is a series which previously never had any "open interest" in them. This is rare but not necessarily a bad thing. Do you have $420.00 U.S. you want play with? It's a chunk of cash. Yes or no? Is this the right time to "pull the trigger"? It's the catching a falling knife position. It's dangerous because the stock might keep falling. It's only 10:30 a.m. so is the bad new scrubbing all over? I don't know. Sometimes you have to live on the wild side. ** A 2:00 p.m. update.
Finally here is how it closed out the day.
We will check back in on a later date.


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