
This One Is Too Nervous To Watch. Pfizer

This is a short blog full of twists. Try to get through it. First a five day chart of Pfizer. chart. In the past week it was up $1.05 and it was the 7th most activity traded stock on the NYSE most active list. It's in a breakout mode. Look at how it traded over the last three years. This breakout mode might last a few days, weeks or months. This stock has a history of moving somewhat slower than most stocks. A second quarter earnings report comes out July 30th. If it's good that could add a touch to the stock's price. Now this. As a general rule stocks and options on stocks in this particular price range are difficult to play and in this case everyone is following the same story. Fred down the street and John around the corner and Mark across town are all dialed into the same commentary. There is nothing that really gives you an edge when it comes to playing it. That's the problem. Here now is a look at the Pfizer "next-week-out" $30.00 series of Call optio

The Concept of Playing Thursday Options Which Expire the Next Day. Part One

Thursday morning trading patterns in the first hour of trading reflect human emotions running high. Could your favorite stocks in the $200.00 and $300.00 price ranges jump up three dollars on Thursday and three dollars on Friday? Wishful thinkings often shared by option traders on Thursday mornings. Yesterday Boeing jumped up over $4.50 and then down over $7.00. Will it jump back up agian today? It's Call options look so tempting knowing what the stock sometimes does. Then there is Caterpillar which was off during the last two days after jumping up earlier this week on government stimulus news. Why isn't that stock flying? This morning I used the "out-of-the-money", the Caterpillar 212.50 Call option series that were like four dollars "out-of-the-money" with one day to go for a short term ride. Was I dreaming? Not really. Caterpillar had a strong opening and these options remained relativly flat because they were so far out-of-the money. I bought in at a penny under the ask (on a five cent spread) after chasing it up with lower bids as it eventually started to rise and then sold out "at market" not to mess around. I was only in the position eleven minutes.( out at 9:26 a.m. Look at the chart below to see what part of the days action I was playing).
Look now at how this stock did on the day and what the 112.50 out-of-the-money Call options did.
I was lucky to catch the action the way I did. Now for a look at something really wild look at this. Today's action in DPZ. Tell me that insiders are playing this stock. What is so strange is the low number of option contracts traded. Look at the price swing in these Calls.
Sixty five cents to eight hundred and twenty. Wow.


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