
Young People And Options

Let me spill out some information. Next-Generation Investors Are Different. An organization called "Finra" published this information. In a 2021 survey the Finra Investor Education Foundation found that 36% of respondents aged 18 t0 34 said they have traded options. That compares with 21% of respondents ages 35 to 54 and just 8% of respondents age 55 and older. Then there are crypto investors. According to something called a Pew Research survey based on Feb 2024 data, 42% of men aged 18-29 have invested in, traded, or used cryptocurrency compared with 17% of women in the same age range. Interestly, just 17% of all adults say they have invested in, traded, or used a cryptocurrency, according to the same 2024 survey. When it comes to buying on margin,in 2021, just under of a quarter, or 23%, of investors ages 18 to 34 said they have made purcheses on margin, compared with 12% of respondents aged 34 to 54 and 3% of respondents age 55 and older. Opening accounts is now easier and...


When it comes to option playing are stocks in the thirty and forty dollar price range good options to play? I would say generally no. Why? Well, it generally takes good news or bad news to cause stocks in this price range to move and they can sometimes go sideways for months and months. Waiting for good news or bad news is not an exacating science. There are exceptions to this thinking, sometimes offbeat airline company stocks for example go charging up quickly for a week or two when it becomes apparent that material changes are happening in their operating environments. Five, ten and 15 dollars stocks and stocks like Caterpillar and Boeing that cost a lot more are where the action is. Harley Davidson (Hog) recently had good news and here is how the stock reacted.
Once again, options on stocks in the thirty and forty are not as much fun to play.


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