
This One Is Too Nervous To Watch. Pfizer

This is a short blog full of twists. Try to get through it. First a five day chart of Pfizer. chart. In the past week it was up $1.05 and it was the 7th most activity traded stock on the NYSE most active list. It's in a breakout mode. Look at how it traded over the last three years. This breakout mode might last a few days, weeks or months. This stock has a history of moving somewhat slower than most stocks. A second quarter earnings report comes out July 30th. If it's good that could add a touch to the stock's price. Now this. As a general rule stocks and options on stocks in this particular price range are difficult to play and in this case everyone is following the same story. Fred down the street and John around the corner and Mark across town are all dialed into the same commentary. There is nothing that really gives you an edge when it comes to playing it. That's the problem. Here now is a look at the Pfizer "next-week-out" $30.00 series of Call optio

Canadian Owned Electrameccanica. Another Look At It. Also a One Year Later Comment.

Zoom, zoom goes this little electic vehicle. It's a one seater with only three wheels cruising in a lane reserved for two people cars. Their new factory to build them in is soon to be finished. It's in the U.S.. So much for investing on home turf. Earning reports just came out. I have talked about this company before. Go to their website and listen to a ten minute company report. Everything seems very upbeat. If they can ramp up their production to 20,000 units a year everyone including investors will be happy.
Pick the model stlye you like and pick the color. Go to their website and give them your credit card number. A deposit of $250.00 will put you on the buyers list. But wait, Frank Stonach has plans for his three wheeled "Carit" to be built in Ontario. Before you make a decision on any three wheeled companies future you might want to check out some of the driver's reviews found on the internet. They are not the safest vehicles around.
Other parts of the world are building three wheeled electric vehicles at a torrid pace.
This one looks like a toothpick waiting to get knocked over. Here is how Electrameccanica has preformed.
Do I like this stock? Not really. Why not? Well the company seems to have wasted a ton of money so far to get to where they are at now. Things for example like promotion. They have attended all so many national auto shows. Why? The real danger is that some day down the road they may need to raise more money. While Electameccanica has cash in reserve right now if they are not strong on execution things could look different very quickly. That's one of the problems with so many of these preproduction stage companies. The January 2023 Calls with a striking price of $2.00 now cost $.25 cents or twenty five dollars a contract and are lightly traded.Insiders are not jumping to get onboard.
They are not a very good bet. January 20th 2022 is like only a half a year away. Building a new factory is going to cost money. It will be a period of "let's add to the hype". What an exhausting ride so far for existing shareholders. Polestar and Fisker are two other companies waiting to get going who are in this same boat. Until they all start to sell vehicles there isn't much to get excited about.
**** August 23th. Another electric vehicle story. This time Canadian made electric snowmobiles.
An update one year later. Electrameccanica is looking for new opportunities and lawyers are now chasing them.


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